Sunday, June 10, 2012

"...I am the popular social network called Book Face"

Ladies & Gentlemen:

The Laura Kaster Photography Facebook Page has officially launched.

Yay! Wooo! *insert super excited bouncy face here*

In celebration, I'm going to do a giveaway of a $25 Target Gift Card. Because, honestly....who doesn't love Target?! I know I do!

In a perfect world, all you would have to do is "Like" the Facebook page and you're automatically entered. However, since I work in the ever-exciting and always changing world of social media in my day job, I discovered that's technically not allowed.


So, instead, we're going to do it this way:

Leave a comment on this blog post with your name and email by Sunday, June 17 at 5 p.m. CST with a list (big or small!) of what you would buy at Target if you had unlimited funds. The entry I deem most amusing will win (but please, keep it clean folks). You also have to be 18 years and older and be a resident of the United States to be eligible to win.

Now, if you feel so inclined, go forth and "Like" the Facebook Page. You know you wanna.

See? Isn't it pretty? :)

I have chosen the winner of the giveaway! The winner is....Ayachan! 

Congratulations, and thank you all for entering, it was hard to choose just one winner!

Don't forget to "Like" my Facebook Page! That's the point of all this hoopla. :)


  1. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

    For the past 6 weeks I've been doing "Brazil Butt Lift" exercise DVDs, and even though they're fun and I do believe my butt is thankful for it, I'd like to try some other exercises. So if I had unlimited funds, I would go on a shopping spree in Target's fitness dumb bells, ankle weights, and all the Jillian Michaels DVDs I can stand.

  2. Katie,

    At Target I would spend my unlimited funds in the kitchen/home decor sections (it's where my panini press is from and I LOVE that thing) or in the DVD/Movie section compiling all my favorite series and movies.

    Not sure if I qualify though as I am currently a "temporary resident" of L'viv, Ukraine. But hey! I like dreaming of my shopping spree in Target.

    Miss you friend, hope all's well in Chi-town!

  3. Hey mom! It's your half-Japanese daughter :D
    If I had an unlimited account......... Hm this is a hard one.....
    Definitely all the baking goods. Like a KITCHEN AID!!!! I want to make breads!
    And maybe pet stuff. I really want a dog! Or cat! I can't decide.....
    Or I can get them for my sister and brother :)

    ...Do I have to stick to only part of the store?


  4. Hello hello! It seems like forever since we've talked. Let me know if you're ever near my way and we can get together.

    As far as an unlimited amount of funds...I would probably start with purchasing my own fancy treadmill and zumba 2 game for wii so I could exercise at my place instead of paying gym memberships and making myself go late at night.

    The other part of it I would ask them to hold until sometime later this year when I hopefully move into my own apartment. I'd get all the luxury furnishings for the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and living room including all the designer kitchen/baking things, comfy sofas and chairs for the living room, a nice big bed with an awesome mattress for the bedroom, and window air conditioners for every room so I can be nice and cool!

    Take care and good luck with the business!
