Sunday, May 20, 2012

Make New Friends...But Keep The Old.

Normally when I move to a new place (which I've done a few times in my life so far), I tend to make new friends easily. I think it's because I'm an adventurer at heart, and as such I befriend people who can help guide me on my journey. My Sherpas, if you will.

After I returned to Chicago last summer, I became my own Sherpa (or perhaps even the prodigal daughter). I had a general idea of how to get around, where to go and what to do. As such, I've been something of a hermit when it comes to meeting new people.

To overcome my minor self-diagnosed case of "hermititis", I've been reconnecting with some of my old pals that still live in the area. One of these friends is the lovely Sherah, whom I originally met shortly after I moved one block away from my old house when I was about 7-years-old. She acted as my Sherpa to the new neighborhood, guiding me to new friends and experiences I just didn't have on my old block.

 Sherah & I, around age 9ish. Ignore my short hairdo...*buries head in sand*

It was a major bummer when she moved away a few years later. Slowly but surely, we lost touch. Years passed, and we both went to college, met cute boys, married them, and had babies. Well, she had a baby anyway....I adopted cats. :)

Through the wonder of Facebook, we reconnected. Then I found out she, too, was a photo nerd. So, when I finally decided for sure that I wanted to take this whole photography shindig to the next level (along with taking nice photos of Brian & I), I knew just the gal to call to get the job done.

Visit her blog here - you know you wanna!

Sherah and I today...isn't she just the cutest pregnant lady ever?! 
{Photo is courtesy of Sherah G. Photography}

Stay tuned for some updates to the blog with some of the lovely photos she took - you're gonna love it. I guarantee it!

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